Posted in November 2010

Purposeful Worship

Have you ever stopped to wonder why we worship? What’s it for? It’s the most salient feature of church life; in fact, people often use “church” as shorthand for “worship.” If someone says, “Let’s go to church this Sunday,” for example, it’s shorthand for, “Let’s assemble at the customary place for gathered worship.” But why … Continue reading »

No Podcast of 11/21

Some kind of technology problem in the sound booth this weekend means no podcast for 11/22. That’s a shame.

Scheduled Downtime Monday 11/22

Hey, if you don’t go there a lot you probably won’t notice, but the church website will be down Monday 11/22 for some maintenance. We’ll be migrating from an offline system called iWeb to a CMS called WordPress.

Overheard Chuckle

I just had a conversation with someone, and laughed when I heard this: Another factor, perhaps overlooked, in understanding why Presbyterianism thrived in Scotland, is, of course, whiskey. “And all God’s people said, ‘Amen.’”

Early Christmas Present

I got this because it was almost as cheap as Dogmatics in Outline. We’ll see how much of it I actually read. With advances in medicine, I figure I have at least 40 years, which would be only 16 pages a month: a veritable walk in the park. Darrell Guder says this is the older … Continue reading »