Tagged with education

Catalyst West Coast 2009 (More)

There were a number of great talks over the two days of the Catalyst Conference, but in some ways the first was the best. (For me as a pastor. Another talk was the best for me as a follower of Christ; I’ll write about that in a few days.) The talk was by Andy Stanley, … Continue reading »

Catalyst West Coast 2009 (More)

There was a great slate of speakers at the conference, including some “big names” like Rick Warren and Andy Stanley and Ravi Zacharias. There was also a great presentation by Erwin McManus (whose book Unstoppable Force we just studied in the Wednesday class). But one of the most impressive speakers was someone I’d never heard … Continue reading »

Catalyst West Coast 2009

This is the first year that Catalyst has had a west-coast event. I’m glad I went. That’s the worship (or, Presbyterians would say, the “worship music”). The band is Hillsong United, from Australia.