Posted in July 2011

Various Changes in the NFOG

I thought I would note some of the changes I’ve run across as we begin operating under the NFOG. I may update this post as I find other items worth mentioning. There’s no longer a requirement for deacons to meet annually with session. (The old G-6.0405.) The category of “inactive member” has been eliminated: G-1.0401. … Continue reading »

Stumbling and Stumbling Blocks

Here’s an encouraging thought: It is difficult, I admit, not to stumble frequently, and even sometimes to fall, when stumbling-blocks without number lie across our path. But our minds ought to be fortified with confidence; for the Son of God, who commands his followers to walk in the midst of stumbling-blocks, will unquestionably give us … Continue reading »

Blog Problems

I tried to upgrade this blog to WordPress 3.2 and ran into various difficulties. After a little bit of effort, it seems to be back up and running again. If history is any guide, however, there will be glitches I’ll need to iron out over the next few days. So be patient. Thanks.

Truly Dead

Usually when I read the crucifixion and resurrection accounts in the Bible, I notice how they are at pains to show how the risen Lord Jesus was truly alive and not a phantasm. Today, however, these verses leapt out at me: When all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took … Continue reading »