In Time for Holy Week: Apostasy!

C.S. Lewis somewhere decries ministers who desert their faith but feel they should be left to “carry on” in their office in the church. Here’s a case in point: an Episcopal Muslim:

“Both religions say there’s only one God,” Redding said, “and that God is the same God. It’s very clear we are talking about the same God! …”

(What, I wonder, makes it “very clear” that “we are talking about the same God?” Is it the Bible? The Qur’an? Or simply her wish that it were so?)

“… So I haven’t shifted my allegiance.”

The sad thing is that she probably hasn’t. That would be a shame, if she were just another member of her church. But she was a priest.

A priest for 30 years, yet her faith was such that she could become a Muslim and not shift her allegiance. Thirty years. Lord have mercy.

Now, after only three years of apostasy, Redding has been defrocked. Three years. One for each time the cock crowed.

O make me Thine forever,
and should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never
outlive my love to Thee.

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded.